Video Hosting Services as a Perspective Platform of Intergration for Ukrainian Television Chennels
UDC 007:621.397.13:004.738.5
Video Hosting Services as a Perspective Platform of Intergration for Ukrainian Television Chennels
Ovsiannikov Arsenii, Master Student Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The article examines integration of Ukrainian television into video hosting services, the ways of using their resources by the channels and their impact on the panel data. The study applies to the YouTube statistics of the leading Ukrainian TV channels at the end of 2017. The main objective of the study is to find any interrelationships between presences of channels on YouTube and changes of their indicators.
The statistic data, used for the analysis, includes total amount of videos, total and average number of views, number of followers and annual gain of audience. It became a background of studying, how the leading Ukrainian channels used the facilities of video hosting services. The method of calculating of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient allowed to find the certain patterns, how the growth of YouTube followers can influence on channel’s share, received
with the panel research. A survey of TV audience allowed to make conclusions concerning the perspectives of using video hosting services by television.
The findings of research. The leading Ukrainian television channels intensify their integration into YouTube. All of them have increased their audience on this service. Wherein the significant growth rates do not promote the growths of channels’ panel data. However, the popularity of YouTube and the audience demand make it a perspective platform for loading TV content.
Keywords: video hosting service; YouTube; Ukrainian television; panel analysis; convergation.
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