Journalism Professionalism and Professional Standards: Theoretical Aspects and Media Practitioners’ Interpretation
UDC 007:070.422:174(477)
Journalism Professionalism and Professional Standards:
Theoretical Aspects and Media Practitioners’ Interpretation
Halyna Budivska, PhD-student National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy»
The article deals with the normative principles of journalistic professionalism and professional standards, comparing them with interpretation of Ukrainian media professionals. The purpose of the study is to outline the professional standards of Ukrainian journalists dealing with sociopolitical issues. Based on ten interviews with the journalists as the respondents aged 21 to 50 from different national and regional media outlets, the author indicates several peculiarities how the Ukrainian media practitioners perceive this problem.
It is revealed that the so-called “western model” of journalism is superimposed on the complicated socio-political conditions of journalists, and therefore it is not accepted unconditionally by the part of media practitioners. The situation of turbulence where the Ukrainian journalists find themselves today, affects their perceptions of journalistic professionalism and professional standards. According to the results of the survey, recognition of importance of journalistic standards prevails among the respondents, but in practice unconditional adherence to these standards is complicated or is impossible for the interviewers taking into account sensitivity of coverage of transformations and the war in the country, as well as the challenges connected with media owners’ political interests and difficult financial situation in the media. Also, based on the findings obtained, it is concluded that there is insufficient institutionalization of professional standards in the Ukrainian media environment.
KEYWORDS: journalists’ professionalism; professional standards; professional norms.
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