Author Guidelines

Types of Submission

The Journal publishes the following types of submission: 1) full-length original articles, which has not been published previously; 2) reviews of books not more than two years old.

Requirements for Article

The papers may be submitted in English or Ukrainian languages.

The full-length article, including annotation, appendices and references, should be not less than 25,000 characters, and should not exceed 50,000 characters. Book reviews should be about 5,000 – 10,000 characters.

Title page of the article should include the following information:

– Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);

– Full name of the author; author’s affiliation (Institution, position, academic degree, e-mail);

– Title of the article;

– Abstract (about 2,000 characters; the abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions);

– 3-5 Keywords.


Structure of Articles

The article should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections:

  1. Introduction (about 3,000 characters; the objectives of the work and literature survey).
  2. Research methods (explain which methods and what for were used).
  3. Results and discussion (write about the main results of the research).
  4. Conclusions (about 2,000 characters).
  5. Acknowledgements.
  6. Tables and Appendices (should have titles and numbers; notes should be stirred just below the tables).
  7. Quotation. All quotations and statistical data given in the text must have properly formatted references to primary sources.

In the manuscript text, references are indicated by the author’s name in the original language in parentheses. Then, through comma, the year of publication is indicated, through сomma – the page number (if any). Suppose it is necessary to refer to several sources at a time. In this case, they should appear with a semicolon between them in alphabetical order by the first letter of the author’s last name of each source. For example, researchers have studied a specific problem (Lang, 2009; Smith; 2007; Zeta, 2008).

Please note that references to Ukrainian-language books and articles in the text should be submitted in Ukrainian, while references to English-language or foreign-language books and articles should be submitted in the original language. In the text of the article, only the last name of the author of the source is indicated without initials.

We deferrentiate references to:

  • literary sources (monographs, articles, dissertations and dissertation abstracts, normative acts, etc.). How to refer to them in the text is described above;
  • research sources (media texts, talk shows, online media, blogs, tweets, podcasts, audio or video stories, YouTube channels, advertising messages, headlines, language means, etc.), that is, those sources that their author researches in his article. References to research sources must be provided in the text as footnotes. Do not include such sources in the list of references.

8. The list of references (References) should be submitted without numbering in alphabetical order by the last name of the (first) author in accordance with the Publication Guide of the American Psychological Association (ARA). That is, indicate the following details: for the article – author, year of publication, title of the article, name of the journal, number of the journal, pages; for a book – author, year of publication, title of the book, publisher.

For articles containing references to sources published exclusively in Roman script (English, German, French, etc.), one list of references (References) is sufficient.

For articles containing references to sources in non-Roman script (Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, etc.) or combining references in Roman and non-Roman script (for example, part of the references are in English and part in Ukrainian), two versions of the bibliography must be submitted:

  1. References – the same list of literature, but in the Roman alphabet. For rules of translation and transliteration of Cyrillic sources, see e.g. here
  2. List of literature in the original language (all sources are presented in the language in which they were published, sources can be in Cyrillic, Roman alphabet, etc.).

The bibliographic description is in the ARA style. The general rules are as follows:

  • the author’s last name is indicated first, followed by his initials; all authors are indicated, a dot is placed after the last one;
  • after the surname and initials of the author / authors, the year of publication is indicated in brackets, e.g.: (2014). A dot is placed after parentheses;
  • after the year of publication, the Title of the article or “Title of the section” is indicated, if it is a reference to the section of the collective monograph;
  • then the Name of the Journal or the Name of the monograph is indicated (all significant words of the name of the journal are written with a capital letter; all significant words of the title of the book / monograph are not written with a capital letter);
  • then the journal issue (volume) is indicated through a comma, the issue (issue) (if any) in parentheses, and the page of the article through a comma, as well as the DOI identifier through a dot. For books, the publisher must be indicated after the title through a dot.

You can find out more, for example, here:


The submission of the manuscript to the Editorial Board of the Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism involves the consent of the author / authors to publish the paper in print and electronic versions of the Journal, and to transfer to the Journal the respective copyright. The author guarantees that the submitted manuscript does not infringe copyright or other rights of any party, and that the paper has not been previously published and is not submitted simultaneously to any other edition.

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically at