Use of Social Networks as an Integral Part of Advertising and PR-strategies of Universities (on the Example of Leading Universities of Ukraine)

DOI 10.17721/2522-1272.2024.85.11

Mariia Sabadash,
PhD student,
Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism,
Taras Shevchenko National University of



The article considers how leading Ukrainian universities (state and private) use social networks as part of their advertising and PR-strategies. Using the methods of comparative analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, induction and deduction, it is determined what are the main trends of communication manifestations of universities in social networks, what platforms are the most used, what are the differences in the use of social networks in the strategies of universities, what topics are the most popular, as well as what formats of messages get the greatest response from the audience. Specific cases of social media advertising campaigns by certain universities are also discussed.

The performed analysis of scientific works on the research topic among international and Ukrainian researchers allowed to make a brief overview of Ukrainian universities’ experience in applying social media in strategy building, revealed the significance of social media in university communication, highlighted already confirmed patterns and problems.

In addition, the article explains the approaches to selecting a university, the main criteria for analysis, and provides a table with averaged quantitative indicators for 2023 regarding subscribers, their reactions and monthly activity of certain universities in such social networks: Instagram, Telegram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter (X) and LinkedIn.

This allows not only to see whether universities take into account a comprehensive approach to the formation of communication activity in social networks, but also to determine the pattern between the frequency and systematicity of publications and audience response.

KEYWORDS: social networks; advertising strategies; popularization activities; PR-strategies; communications with applicants.

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