Author Archives: Євген Цимбаленко

Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. Vol. 1(78), 2021.

[download url=”” title=”Download Entire Journal”] About Contents IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Features Expertise of Scientific Papers Regarding the Detection of Academic Dishonesty Oksana Romakh, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Mass Emotions in Social Communication as a Result for Strengthening Mass Information Influence Alevtyna Demutska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Language Mask… Read More »

Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. Vol. 2(77), 2020.

[download url=”” title=”Download Entire Journal”] About Contents IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Conceptualization of Fear in the News About the Coronavirus Pavlo Miroshnychenko, Zaporizhzhia National University The Concept of ‘Truth’ in Historiographical Discourse from the Standpoint of the Socio-Communicative Approach: Categorial Meaning, Functions and Correlation with the Concept of ‘Verity’ Svitlana Petrenko, Taras Shevchenko… Read More »

Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. Vol. 1(76), 2020.

[download url=”” title=”Download Entire Journal”] About Contents IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Fourth Stage of the Information Revolution: Probable Drawings, Incredible Opportunities Volodymyr Vladymyrov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Axioms as the Main Points of the Study of Mass Emotions in Social Communications Alevtyna Beletska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv TELEVISION AND… Read More »

Publication Fee

The publication fee is 300 UAH for the articles of 30 000 symbols. For more symbols, the additional fee is 120 UAH / 10 000 symbols. Foreign authors and students do not have to pay the publication fee (the article should be in Ukrainian or Polish language with the affiliation to any foreign university). The… Read More »

Emotional Content in the News Product of Online Media of Ukraine in the Post-Truth Era

DOI UDC 007:004.738.5:316.776.23 Emotional Content in the News Product of Online Media of Ukraine in the Post-Truth Era Alevtyna Beletska, PhD. (Social Communications), Аssistant, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Valeriya Rozhdestvenska, Master of Journalism, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The objective of the article is to… Read More »

Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. Vol. 2(75), 2019.

[download url=”” title=”Download Entire Journal”] About Contents IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Emotional Content in the News Product of Online Media of Ukraine in the Post-Truth Era Alevtyna Beletska, Valeriya Rozhdestvenska, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Journalism Professionalism and Professional Standards: Theoretical Aspects and Media Practitioners’ Interpretation Halyna Budivska, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla… Read More »

Fake News in the Ukrainian Media Space: Technologies of Experimental Projects

UDC 007:659.3:316.776.23 DOI Fake News in the Ukrainian Media Space: Technologies of Experimental Projects Alla Mykolaienko, PhD. (Social Communications, Senior Lecturer Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts ABSTRACT The article considers dissemination of experimental fake messages by research organizations through analysis of media and audience feedback. The objective of the research is to… Read More »

The Problem of Ukrainian Army’s Strategic Communications Formation in the Context of NATO Documents

UDC 007:659.4:355/359.07 DOI The Problem of Ukrainian Army’s Strategic Communications Formation in the Context of NATO Documents Anzhelika Dilai, PhD Student, Military Institute, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The main purpose of this article is to investigate the possible gaps in the strategic communications system proposed by the Ministry of Defense of… Read More »

The Implementation of Language Policy in Ukraine at the Legislative Level: Implications and Prospects

UDC 007:070:342.732 DOI The Implementation of Language Policy in Ukraine at the Legislative Level: Implications and Prospects Tetiana Prystupenko, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The relevance of studying the features of language policy implementation in Ukraine at the legislative level is based on the increasing understanding of Ukrainian language… Read More »