Author Archives: Євген Цимбаленко

Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism. Vol. 1(74), 2019.

[download url=”” title=”Download Entire Journal”] About Contents IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS The Implementation of Language Policy in Ukraine at the Legislative Level: Implications and Prospects Tetiana Prystupenko, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv The Problem of Ukrainian Army’s Strategic Communications Formation in the Context of NATO Documents Anzhelika Dilai, Military… Read More »

Internet Radio: Past and Present

UDC 007:004.738.5:654.195 DOI Internet Radio: Past and Present Bozhena Ikaliuk, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The main objectives of the study are development, establishment and peculiar workings of Internet radio broadcasting. The study describes the main historical stages of evolution of Internet radio stations in Ukraine and… Read More »

Perspectives for Development of Portrait Interview Genre in Internet (the Case of the Program “Ze Interv’iuer”/“The Interviewer” by A. Yatsechko)

UDC 007:004.738.5:82-1-9 DOI Perspectives for Development of Portrait Interview Genre in Internet (the Case of the Program “Ze Interv’iuer”/“The Interviewer” by A. Yatsechko) Natalya Berezii, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article clarifies the origin of the term “interview”, traces the main stages of formation of interview… Read More »

Specific Features of «Deutsche Welle» Activities in the Context of Program Strategy Changes, 2014–2021

UDC 007:654.195(430) DOI Specific Features of «Deutsche Welle» Activities in the Context of Program Strategy Changes, 2014–2021 Amaliia Arutiunian, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article deals with the main directions of “Deutsche Welle” German foreign channel. The objective of this article is to find the specific… Read More »

National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media

UDC 007:81`42:[397:659.123.5 +2.019.51](477) DOI National Myth as a Category of Hate Speech in Ukrainian Internet Media Alina Rudchenko, PhD Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The media represent not only reality into the public informational space, but they often misrepresent it through myths and stereotypes. In particular, national and… Read More »

Public Sector as a Leading Player in the Modern Field of Media Education Activity

UDC 007:[37.016:[070 + 004]:061.2] DOI Public Sector as a Leading Player in the Modern Field of Media Education Activity Olha Harmatiy, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» ABSTRACT The main objectives of the study: on the basis of consideration of the media education initiatives of nongovernmental organizations that work in Ukraine, to find out the importance… Read More »

Public History in Professional Journalism Training (on the Example of Zaporizhzhia City)

UDC 007:304:001 DOI Public History in Professional Journalism Training (on the Example of Zaporizhzhia City) Olena Semenets, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Zaporizhzhia National University ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is to reveal the possibilities of Public History approach in students’ education in «Journalism» specialization. The main method of research is the analysis… Read More »

«Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists»: The Text and the Context

UDC 007:070.133:174(510) DOI «Code of Professional Ethics of Chinese Journalists»: The Text and the Context Volodymyr Vladymyrov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article has a purpose to understand in the first time in Ukraine the specifics of implementation of the ethical guides and practical… Read More »

Topic Features and Social Talk Show Structure on Ukrainian Television (the Case of TV Channels «Inter», «STB» and «Ukraine»)

UDC 007:304:654.197(477) DOI Topic Features and Social Talk Show Structure on Ukrainian Television (the Case of TV Channels «Inter», «STB» and «Ukraine») Mariya Vivdych, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. ABSTRACT The article analyzes the content of social talk shows on Ukrainian television and reveals the peculiarities of their structure, in… Read More »

Multimedia Technologies of French Non-Native and International TV and Radio Channels

УДК 007:004.738.5:621.397.13(44) DOI Multimedia Technologies of French Non-Native and International TV and Radio Channels Nataliia Pushkaruk, Master Student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article examines the multimedia technologies used by the French TV channel France 24, the RFI radio station and the international television channel TV5 Monde in… Read More »