Author Archives: Олександр Цимбаленко

New Tendencies of the Viewer Involvement in Producing ZIK TV Channel Analytical Product

DOI UDC 621.397.007.13.51 New Tendencies of the Viewer Involvement in Producing ZIK TV Channel Analytical Product Yurii Yelisovenko, PhD. (pedagоg. sci), Associate Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Anna Nytchenko graduate student, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The latest trends of viewers` participation in producing… Read More »

Axioms as the Main Points of the Study of Mass Emotions in Social Communications

DOI UDC 007:659.3:316.776.23 Axioms as the Main Points of the Studyof Mass Emotions in Social Communications Alevtyna Beletska, PhD (Social Communication)Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article continues the scientific study of the mass emotions nature in social communications caused by the means of mass communications (mass media, social… Read More »

Fourth Stage of the Information Revolution: Probable Drawings, Incredible Opportunities

DOI UDC 007:659.3:001.18 Fourth Stage of the Information Revolution: Probable Drawings, Incredible Opportunities Volodymyr Vladymyrov, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article discusses the prospects for the development of the mass communication science in the direction of including in its discourse the modern achievements in… Read More »

Corporate Media in Business as a Channel of Internal Marketing

DOI UDC 007:070.48 Corporate Media in Business as a Channel of Internal Marketing Tetiana Rykychyna, Master Student Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article studies the essence of corporate communications in terms of the company’s internal marketing using the example of corporate media of the companies “Lufthansa”, “Toruńskie Zakłady… Read More »

Implementation and Functioning of Corporate Social Responsibility in Poland (on the Example of the PKO BPReport)

DOI UDC 007:659.4:070.15(438) Implementation and Functioning of Corporate Social Responsibility in Poland (on the Example of the PKO  BPReport) Anastasiia Nykonchuk, Master Student Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The article deals with the historical basis ofimplementation of corporate social responsibility in Poland and analyzes the views of various Polish… Read More »

Topics and Themes of Vitalii Portnikov’s Social and Political Journalism (the Case of Materials of the Internet Outlet Radio Liberty)

DOI UDC У 007:070.15:004.738.5 Topics and Themes of Vitalii Portnikov’s Social and Political Journalism (the Case of Materials of the Internet Outlet Radio Liberty) Alina Zoria, Master Student Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Abstract The article deals with the topics and themes of materials of V. Portnikov, the well-known political… Read More »

To Get to Know the Personality (Review on: M. Yu. Voronova (2019), The Theory and Practice of a Publicistic Portrait: a Scientific Edition, LAT & K, Kyiv, 312 p.)

DOI UDC 070:82-4(049.32) To Get to Know the Personality (Review on: M. Yu. Voronova (2019), The Theory and Practice of a Publicistic Portrait: a Scientific Edition, LAT & K, Kyiv, 312 p.) Oleksiy Pidlutskyy, PhD. (еconomic Sci), Assosiate Professor, Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The objective of the study… Read More »

Ivan Bahrianyi – The Editor and the Author of the Newspaper “Ukrainski Visti”/ “Ukrainian News” (1945–1963)

DOI UDC 82-92:070.4(092)’’1945/1963”Багряний Ivan Bahrianyi – The Editor and the Author of the Newspaper “Ukrainski Visti”/ “Ukrainian News” (1945–1963) Serhiy Коzak, PhD, Representative of the Ivan Bahriany Foundation (USA) in Ukraine ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to review the journalistic and editorial activities of Ivan Bahrianyi from the perspective of articles… Read More »

A Field Research as an Anthropological Tool in Literary Reportage (on the Examples of Journalistic Texts by Joseph Roth)

DOI UDC 070.4:82-92]:001.891(436)”192″Й.Рот A Field Research as an Anthropological Tool in Literary Reportage (on the Examples of Journalistic Texts by Joseph Roth) Olesya Yaremchuk, PhD Student, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv ABSTRACT This article studies the use of field research as an anthropological tool in literary reportage which is a comprehensive element of… Read More »

Neopatriarchal Project of Nationalistic Press of the 1920s-1930s

DOI UDС 007:070.19 Neopatriarchal Project of Nationalistic Press of the 1920s-1930s Olga Khamedova, PhD. (philol. sci), Associate Professor Institute of Journalism at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University ABSTRACT The article focuses on the problem of interaction between ideology and gender in the Ukrainian press of the 1920s-1930s. The object of the study is the nationalistic… Read More »