Author Archives: Олександр Цимбаленко

The History of Taras Shevchenko’s Photographs: Unity of Words and Pictures (to the 180th Anniversary of Photo Art)

DOI UDC 007:77.000.93-Shevchenko The History of Taras Shevchenko’s Photographs: Unity of Words and Pictures (to the 180th Anniversary of Photo Art) Serhii Horevalov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Department of Cinema and Television Arts, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts 20 Chygorina St., Kyiv, 01042, Ukraine ABSTRACT The article describes the value of… Read More »

The Genesis of «Zhinocha Storinka»/«Women’s Page» Through the Prism of Fashion and Feminism (the Case of the Newspaper «Novyi ChaS»/«New Time» (1926–1939))

DOI UDC 070.445-055.2:687.01]:[070.41-051:070.48](477.83-074) “1926/1939″(045) The Genesis of «Zhinocha Storinka»/«Women’s Page» Through the Prism of Fashion and Feminism (the Case of the Newspaper «Novyi ChaS»/«New Time» (1926–1939)) Khrystyna Astaptseva, PhD Student Department of Media Communications, Ukrainian Academy of Printing 19 Pid Goloskom St., Lviv, 79020, Ukraine, ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to examine… Read More »

Art Book in the Theoretical Dimension and Practice System of the Editor UDC 007:[655.413+655.533] Art Book in the Theoretical Dimension and Practice System of the Editor Anna Bidun, PhD Student, Institute of Journalism, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv 36/1 Illienka St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine ABSTRACT An art book is a type of editions that condenses mould-breaking, innovational, uncommon approaches of both  uthor and publisher on… Read More »

Pecularities of Borrowed Lexical Items Functioning in Ukrainian Mass Media Language

DOI UDC 81’373:070 Pecularities of Borrowed Lexical Items Functioning in Ukrainian Mass Media Language Maryna Navalna,  Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after  regory Skovoroda 30 Sukhomlynsky St., Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, Kyiv region, 08400, Ukraine ABSTRACT The article analyzes the most commonly used foreign-language lexical items in the language of modern Ukrainian… Read More »

Orthographic and Semantic Anormative Lexis in Publicistic Texts of Cultural-Linguistic Area

DOI UDC 070:372.461(477) Orthographic and Semantic Anormative Lexis in Publicistic Texts of Cultural-Linguistic Area Iryna Marynenko PhD. (philol. sci), Associate Professor Institute of ournalism, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The problem of language accuracy in publicistic texts hasn’t lost its actuality due to the great number of deviations from the language… Read More »

Socio-Communicative Factors of Urbanonymic Memorative Innovations (the Case of Memorative Urbanonyma of the Thematic Group «Heroes of Maidan»/«Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred»)

UDC 007:81.373.211.5:316.776.3 DOI Socio-Communicative Factors of Urbanonymic Memorative Innovations (the Case of Memorative Urbanonyma of  the Thematic Group «Heroes of Maidan»/«Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred») Dmytro Danylchuk,, PhD. (philol. sci), Associate Professor, Institute of Journalism, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv ABSTRACT Based on analysis of media publications and regulatory acts of central… Read More »

Competence and Identification of Experts in the Context of Balance and Reliability Information Standards Implementation

UDC 007:654.197:174 DOI Competence and Identification of Experts in the Context of Balance and Reliability Information Standards Implementation Oleg Dzholos, PhD. (social communications), Institute of Journalism, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv ABSTRACT The urgency of the research of the issue related to implementation of journalistic standards by TV broadcasters in Ukraine is due… Read More »