Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism

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Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism is a semi-annual academic peer-reviewed journal, published by the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

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The Journal publishes original contributions based on studies in mass communication that reflect the current trends in Ukraine and in the world, as well as the patterns, processes, structures and forms of mass communication. Priority is given to the relevant for Ukrainian and international audiences research of mass communication trends in development of media technologies, journalism, publishing, advertising, public relations, social informatics, document science, librarianship and etc. The Journal also publishes reviews of books in the field of mass communications issued over the past two years.

Audience of the Journal includes academics, lecturers, students, professionals in the field of media and communications, as well as a wide range of readers interested in modern trends in development of communication.

ISSN 2522-1272 (Print)
ISSN 2786-8532 (Online)

UDC 007:070

Established in 2000

Certificate of registration: KV 24029-13869PR of 2019-05-19.

Editorial Address: “Scientific Notes of the Institute of Journalism”,
Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
36/1 Illienka str., 04119 Kyiv, Ukraine.
Phone: (+38044) 481 4548
Fax: (+38044) 483 0981